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Super Mustache Activation Code [key Serial]


About This Game Features: - Vintage/Retro style graphics and music. - Customizable controls. - Save your progress. - 15 hand crafted levels, 3 worlds filled with action. - Nostalgic, funny and challenging. Super Mustache was developed by Redro Games and is being published by Back To Basics Gaming. 7aa9394dea Title: Super MustacheGenre: Action, Adventure, Casual, IndieDeveloper:Redro GamesPublisher:Back To Basics GamingRelease Date: 27 Jan, 2016 Super Mustache Activation Code [key Serial] Beautifully done, retro style game. Very challenging, I couldn't stop until it was done. Do your part. Join Captain Super Mustache in a journey to save Uranus. Very happy to have completed this game and hope this helps anyone trying to play.Brought me back to my days as a kid playing Super MAario Bros. Loved it.Check out my play through here https:\/\/\/watch?v=nqi3Bjh42s8Sorry about the poor quality graphics. I'm still working out which recording software to use.The game itself has much better graphics then this video shows.. That game truly is AWFUL!!I mean, beside how terrible the music and level design are, just imagine how awesome it would be to use the mouse to navigate the menus or use Esc to pause the game... while playing with your xbox controler... ?!yyyyyyyyeah...I just CAN'T understand how this game manage to get positive rating, that's beyond me, seriously!! \u00f4.\u00d4Stay away, this isn't worth your money nor time.... The one good part about this game is that the controls are relatively tight.Hit detection is a joke. The sound effects are either royalty free or literally the Mario 1 UP noise. It's impossible to tell the difference between a wall that can and cannot be wall jumped. (This is only mostly true. SOME walljumpable walls are marked, but not all of them.) The amount of damage enemies do is seemingly unrelated to what they are. Stationary spikes are a heart and a half. Moving smashy spike columns are half a heart.Some enemies will hurt you when you jump on them, but also take damage. It's impossible in many cases to tell when a cliff will lead to more level or will instantly kill you. It has a lives system with coins, but the lives and coins don't carry over between levels. The final boss gives you 100 bullets, but those bullets don't refresh between lives, though the final boss's health -does-. This game takes less than an hour to beat. Pursuant: I have, in fact, beaten the game. The background art is pretty good, but the other tilework is terrible. Enemies can have the same sprite, but vastly different mechanics and different health. You have to manually select the next level after you beat a previous one.The 'beat the game' art is actually worse than the title screen graphic. Of the guns you can get, one of them is an actual upgrade, and one of them shoots three shots (which you will never need) for three times the ammunition, which is acceptably sparse to begin with except for when you get a million ammo in areas with like three enemies.The box physics are horrendous. In one level, I pushed a box down a thin shaft, and it got stuck halfway. Boxes on moving platforms will skitter around like nervous squirrels, and none of the puzzles are interesting enough to merit there even being box-pushing in the first place. There's an enemy that is basically a koopa troopa, but not a single level ever puts you in a situation to use this to your advantage, or against you. It's there just for the sake of being there. TL;DR Quite literally everything in this game that is not 'controlling Super Mustache' is achingly bad.. It's your average mediocre platformer. Personally not the best game ever, but I did enjoy playing it.. For 99 cents this game outdoes itself in my personal opinion. A very fun and short platformer that really does make you feel nostalgic for those good ol 2D super nintendo games.Only complaints is that the games controls are set up a bit weird but you can personalize them to your taste. A few problems include getting stuck on objects and dying out of nowhere, but there problems are minor and there's not a constant flow of inconviences. Plus, this game is fairly new and I am certain those problems will be addressed. I wouldn't recommend this game if you have a problem with reused content. I've noticed two sound effects taken from other games.All in all this is a fun game for a good price. gg 9\/10. It's games like these I wish Steam had a neutral option. The good: Gameplay is very fluid, all inputs seem to register perfectly, which is great in a platformer. A lot of the level design is very good.Music is good, though repetitive. Spaceship levels help vary things up.The Bad: Life system is pointless at the best of times, incredibly pointless at the worst. While gun powerups are fun, they're reset on death which makes future attempts annoying.Horrid controller support, the menus appear impossible to navigate, as well as the game over screen, which means returning to the keyboard at least 15 times to finish the game.Some environment hazards deal half a heart of damage, some deal a full heart, and some instantly kill you with no real indicator of what does what. Walls you can jump off of have similar issues.Now for nitpicks: Ammo is not reset on death. This led to an annoying section during the final boss, where I died with no bullets. Because bullets are required to break the boxes containing more ammo and health, the fight was nearly impossible without exiting to menu and coming back.Horizontal inputs for the level select menu register as two pushes, so selecting an even numbered level on a 5x5 grid can be very hard, unless you use the mouse.Jumping up into invisible death plains for previous sections of the level is possible.Health pickup sound effect is a blatantly stolen 1-UP effect from Super Mario Bros.. Just beat the last boss and I have mixed feelings.I really enjoyed the graphics and music in it game. Few levels was fun enough to say they were good. Some parts of game mechanics like character movement are really enjoyable.What I found annyoing was level design. I really hated when I just have nothing more to do than just jump into the spikes. I also hated the very last jump in last level where you need to be very precise and double jump correctly. I found myself often jumping to death just because I don't know if I can jump there or not.And the bugs... some of them were fun (backwards dash looks funny), some of them not (stuck on that green moving platform with spikes). I also couldn't get my gamepad working - it worked at the beginning but I couldn't set my x\/y axis after I changed settings to default by mistake so I ended up playing this on keyboard. The game also crashed once (between levels 2 and 3 afair).If that would be 4.99\u20ac (or more) game then I would say a big NO to this game. I bought it for 0.59\u20ac and I consider it a fair price for that. So yeah, I'm going to recommend it.. I am definitely going to recommend this game to everyone on Steam, it's super fun! I've been playing it a lot recently for my Let's Play videos on my YouTube channel, and going through it for the first time is really exciting and sometimes difficult. Super Mustache is only 99 cents, but I was able to get it for 66 cents due to a coupon I obtained. Honestly, for it's price and awesomeness definitely would rate this game 9\/10.It's like a futuristic Mario in some ways, and having a laser rifle at times is pretty epic. I'm hoping they release some sort of DLC or Super Mustache 2! Would definitely pay money for them. To conclude, the story ain't all bad either, you're a Captain from Earth trying to stop Gladius and Uranus from taking over the universe. Pretty legitimate.. This game is just a lot of fun, the only downside is that is short, since there are only 16 levels. However, the levels get proggresively harder, making it more of a challenge, for this price the game is fantastic, not mentioning the short,funny and weird introduction :D. Super Mustache is an extremely short (15 levels + boss level) platformer with mechanics like Super Mario, except that you have an upgradable gun. The controls are great.Expect a few flaws like getting stuck on movable objects, sloppy animations or the fact that picked up items do not carry over to the next level.For 59 cents (Sale) this is okay.


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